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4 countries, 4 schools, 1 great project

Sensibilizing students for refugees' problems.

Exploring schools' potential in integration

Keeping the European idea alive

Tackling the refugee problem and promoting democratic education to prevent violence and radicalization seem to be today's  and most probably also the next years' main challenges. Schools are concerned as refugees have already arrived or will soon arrive. They should be welcomed and integrated in an appropriate way.

This is the centre of our project: Schools can and have to promote democratic education and develop inclusive structures as they teach our priorities and values. Handling this problem depends on European solidarity and cooperation. Educating our young people to an open, more qualified attitude can best be done on the European level by sharing knowledges and experiences and improving structures together.

Violence is a growing phenomenon. Some young people lack orientation and derail towards extremist structures.

We want to detect and prevent aggressive thinking or inclination to violence.

We want to promote democratic education and inclusive structures at our schools.

We want to draw the students' and the school communities' attention to the well-being of everyone at school.

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